About Us
The Silco Theater is 1926-vintage a beautifully restored Art Deco theater that offers first run movies, classics, locally made documentaries and other community event opportunities to Silver City and Grant County, New Mexico.
The Silco began its life as the Airdome, mid 1900s, and became the Princess in 1914. The Princess featured The Man from the West, one of several movies made in Silver City by Romaine Fielding, relying on local talent. In 1923 the Princess was torn down and a new theater, The Liberty Theater, was built. To reflect the economic drivers of the community (SILver and COpper) the name was changed in 1926 and continued to operate as The Silco Theater until the early 1960s.

The Silco evolved with the times, away from movies, the marquee was taken down and the theater became the Union Furniture Store, next a mini-mall, and finally Repeat Boutique. But then, hold everything! Silver City MainStreet Project, established to promote and develop the historic downtown businesses and economy, saw an opportunity. Silver City MainStreet re-opened the theater as a facility for events and meetings in January 2006, with a vision to restore The Silco to its 1926 Art Deco glory. The substantial, much-needed funding was coordinated from many sources; community members, state and federal grants, and PNM. The grand effort to restore The Silco Theater succeeded and the venue reopened on February 26, 2016.

Our beautifully restored 156-seat, one-screen theater offers first run movies, old movies, locally made documentaries and other community event opportunities to Silver City and Grant County, once again an economic driver for downtown and a Town gem.